Welcome to S.S. Enterprises established in the year 1991. Autoweld Energy Saver for Welding Equipment was developed in the year 1991. This was necessitated by the fact that the machines use to remain “ON” even when welding was stopped, the machine sometimes drawing as much as 12 amperes per phase during idle time. The focus was then mostly to save energy on higher HP motor and not much was not much importance is given to energy saving on welding machines though the total quantum of energy saved used to be much higher if all machines were taken together.
S. S. Enterprises did not lose focus and kept educating the customers and consultants who were surprisingly ignorant about energy saver on welding equipment. Some of the Consultants, still, are not aware of the potential .We are, in our own capacity, trying to create an awareness continuously and are proud to state that we are reasonably successful.
Our Customer
With a large customer base panning all India we are the most sought after manufactures of Energy Saver cum VRD Safety Devices. Our customers include Southern Railway, South Central Railway, South Western Railway, Northern Railway, Central Railways, Cement Plants, Fabrications Industries, Shipyards, Process Industries, Chemical Plants, etc.